Oakville Lesson Change Request Form

Oakville Change Request Form


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Student – CURRENT Lesson Information

Please tell us the information about your CURRENT PRIVATE lesson.

STUDENT First Name
Please enter the time only.

Lesson Length

For consideration – As children age and become more advanced, sometimes a longer lesson is highly beneficial.

Would you like the student to have a new lesson length for the new term?
How long of a lesson would you like starting in the new term?

In order to accommodate your request of a new lesson length, scheduling changes MAY be required.

The form will prompt you to include some alternate days and/or times to help us help you.

Would you like to make any other changes to THIS lesson?

Changes such as:

  • Lesson Day
  • Lesson Time
  • Teacher
  • Instrument
Would you like to make any other changes to this lesson?

Other Changes

Would this student like to change their DAY/TIME?
Would this student like to change their instrument?
Is this student’s current teacher also teaching this NEW instrument?
Would this student like to change their TEACHER?

Please tell us the style of teacher that would best suit this student in the COMMENTS SECTION later in this form.

Thank you for indicating you would like to make a change.

We will try our best to accommodate your request.


In order to facilitate ANY changes (including teacher, instrument, length, etc.), we require information about your availability this September.

You must complete AT LEAST a first and second choice time range regarding your preference for times this September.

Remember, the more flexible you are, the more likely we will be able to get you a spot.

Please note not all instruments are offered every day. For the days of the week of a particular teacher, please refer to the image at the top of this page

Please enter the time only
Please enter the time only
Please enter the time only
Please enter the time only
Please enter the time only
Please enter the time only
Please enter the time only
Please enter the time only
If, despite our best efforts, we are not able to accommodate your day / time request, would you be willing to keep your current spot?


Is your priority your day and time?

If so, would you be willing to change your teacher in order to accommodate your day and time? Indicate that below.

Would you like Orrett Music Academy to prioritize your preferred DAY and TIME and choose a teacher for you?
We will always try to keep your current teacher (unless you request a teacher change). This will only be relevant if you are requesting a new day/time that your teacher may not have available.


Please use this section to make any additional comments you would like. Perhaps your priority is to have siblings come at the same time or different times. This is also the place to make special requests or mention anything not covered by the form.