Staff Summer and September Availability 2023 Staff Summer and September Availability Please complete this form to let me know your summer and September availability. If you have any questions please use the comment section below or contact me directly. -Jac Here are some key points: If you wish to teach during the summer you must be available at least 5 of the 9 weeks Teaching days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays You can teach once, twice, or three times a week, you choose. While we will send out an email and reminders to all our students, you will be ultimately responsible for informing/convincing your students to take summer lessons with you Summer is a great way to build your student list for September. Often your summer students will stay with you into the regular school year. Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Would you like to teach during the summer? * Yes No Would you like to come in once or twice to meet possible trial students during the summer? * Yes No What days of the week are you available to teach? * Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Please check off which weeks you are available (MINIMUM 5 weeks) * July 4-6 July 11-13 July 18-20 July 25-27 Aug 1-3 Aug 22-24 Please note we are closed Aug 8-10, Aug 15-17, and Aug 29-31. Please select ONE or TWO of the days you will be available for a meet and greet * Aug 1 (Mon) Aug 2 (Tue) Aug 3 (Wed) Aug 8 (Mon) Aug 9 (Tue) Aug 10 (Wed) Aug 22 (Mon) Aug 23 (Tue) Aug 24 (Wed) Are you planning on changing your current availability for the upcoming school year (September 2023 to June 2024) * Yes No This includes both ADDING days and REMOVING days Please set up a meeting with ASAP Dave Orrett to further discuss * I understand Any comments you would like to make? Submit